The goal of Trumpet Sound Ministries
Inc. is to lift up Jesus Christ and Him crucified. We
believe that all scripture is the inspired WORD of GOD and is
profitable for all men. We will preach the unadulterated word
to our generation. We are a non-denominational ministry and will
always be non-denominational. A return to holiness and righteousness
is the cry of my heart. To be pure even as
He is pure, is my prayer. Jesus will prevail over sin:
"for this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that
he might destroy the works of the devil" -- 1 John 3:8(b) KJV
We have a vision of establishing 50 churches within an
humdred mile radius of our base here in Arkansas. In
the last two years we have seen God Almighty work many notable
miracles, and have seen the lost get saved and baptized in the NAME
of JESUS. And I am believing God in this year for a
double portion in all areas of the ministry.
I was
saved Aug. 19, 1996 in Eastland Tx. Jesus came to me in
a cloud on a clear night, every star in the sky shining.
The heaven was opened and a cloud appeared which was about 200
yards wide and 150 yards high and was the only cloud in
the sky. Lightning was shooting across it but was not
reaching the ground. And as I beheld the sight with
much marvel, Jesus began to arise on what would be my left hand
side. And as I looked upon the cloud I saw a
throne appear on my right hand side. I saw Jesus Christ
standing on the right hand of the Father and he called me
from the heavenly vison to be an apostle to our generation.
Many things have transpired in
the ministry since that night, but my vision of reaching the lost
for Jesus has not diminished from before my eyes.
God appeared to me in
a vision in 1997 and told me to lay the same foundation
of Jesus Christ that was laid by the prophets, and apostles
that were before me, and to tell His people to build again
on this foundation. The word (GOD) that was made flesh and
dwelt among us is still in the earth. I saw the Lord
high and lifted up, standing on the right hand of power.
I thank God for trusting me with the Ministry of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Be strong in the Lord and in the power
of his might.
Brother Avery